Meeting Minutes

York County UBM Meeting Minutes

September 14th, 2021
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Peter
Balance of Checking $1,324.23

Lets welcome our latest Area Rep, Lorraine Landry. Mike Landry will be taking over Treasurer position. Bob Stupelis has stepped down from the Treasurer position. York County will be getting the Raffle tickets printed up so we can start sell them in the next few weeks. On October 30th we will be hosting a Trunk and Treat at Reynold’s Motorsports, all are welcome to attend to setup to hand out candy to the kids.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

August 19th, 2021
7 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Peter
Balance of Checking $1,324.23

We have voted on having a Gun Raffle, Mike Landry is going to get things set up with the gun dealer. Also voted on moving the meetings to Reynold’s Motorsports to the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm, the location and day and time not to change year round. We voted to donate $300 of the profits from our Christmas in July Toy Run to Santa Cause. Voting for officers was also held at this meeting.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

July 15th, 2021
2 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Peter
Balance of Checking $1029.65

Not enough members to hold official meeting.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

June 17th, 2021
? members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Peter
Balance of Checking $875.65

Will update when I find the written minutes.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

May 20th, 2021
? members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Peter
Balance of Checking $875.65

Will update when I find the written minutes.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

April 18th, 2021
6 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $925.65

Our Christmas in July Toy Run will start at Eagle club in Waterboro, end at Iron Tails with a mystery stop. The Biker Down Ride will be combine with one of our Business Appreciation Rides. due to the amount of plaques being delivered we decided to make multi rides to deliver all the plaques.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

March 21st, 2021
12 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $950.65

The Veteran’s even on Sept 11th at Iron tails we will be running a collection table for tor people who want to donate toys for The State Toy Run the next day. We tabled coming up with potential route of the Toy Run.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

February 21th, 2021
12 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $955.65

The Biker Down Ride will be planned by Bob Stupelis, hoping to combine with our Business Appreciation Ride, looking at a date in mid or end of May. Will vote on that next meeting. The Business Appreciation plaques were passed around, and everyone thought they came out great. During Motorcycle awareness month we are planning to get a couple of signup events done. Took a vote on Flat Track if there should be a race with County Directors at  the Flat Track Race. York county has approved for the entertainment race to happen. Mara Stupelis is suppose to ask if the Maine Behavioral Healthcare would be willing to find homes for the Jackets for kids that was donated to United Bikers of Maine.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

January 17th, 2021
Balance of Checking $1231.52

Meeting was not held due to lack of a meeting place due to COVID.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

December 20th, 2020
4 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $1231.52

Discussion on having a membership drive this coming spring, Alison is looking into locations and dates for the event to bring back to the next meeting for a discussion and vote.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

November 15th, 2020
3 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $1231.52

Mara Stupelis was given the go ahead to order the recognition plagues to be handed out to Business that have supported United Bikers of Maine York County in fund raising events.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

October 18th, 2020
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $1125.69

At today’s meeting we discussed when to have our Christmas in July Toy Run for next year. It was voted on to have it on July 17th 2021. Dates were also picked for a Biker Down Ride on June 5th 2021, and a Membership Drive and Biker Down collection on April 10 2021. There was some discussion on my idea of Birthday Rides from that there  was some thought on having a monthly news letter for the county to help spread the word of things the county has going on.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

September 10th, 2020
7 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Peter
Balance of Checking $1125.69

At today’s meeting we discussed to have a toy run one September 27 if the starting place and ending place is okay with the owners of these locations. If everything falls in place in the next few days I will create a event on Facebook and send out an email about the Toy Run. Voted on reimbursing me for the Website domain, patches I had purchased and traveling expenses. Talked about next weeks eBoard meeting where it is a full board meeting where everyone has a vote. Max occupancy in the legion hall is 50 and Officers and Area Reps will be allowed and then members. If the count succeeds the 50 people then we will be rotating members from people waiting in parking lot so they can be heard


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

Aug 20th, 2020

Not enough members at meeting to have a forum.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

July 16th, 2020

Not enough members at meeting to have a forum.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

June 11th, 2020
4 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Peter
Balance of Checking $1125.69

Today’s meeting we discussed if we should move forward on our Christmas in July Toy Run, Decision was as long as Bentley’s and the Waterboro Eagles will allow us to stop. I will calling them and getting the answer to that as soon as possible. Took a vote on if we should still have Statewide in 2020, it was Yes. Now to get eBoard to agree. There was some talk on getting a biker Down ride in the next few weeks. Looking for kids to do a Birthday ride by, so if yo know of any kids that would like this send email to York County Director.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

May 13th, 2020

Meeting was not held due to COVID-19


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

April 19th, 2020

Meeting was not held due to COVID-19


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

March 15th, 2020

Meeting was not held due to COVID-19


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

February 16th, 2020
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $950.69

Today’s meeting we discussed on best date to have the Toy Run, at our next meeting will vote on the date and route. I will be checking on availability of accepting the ride at the locations. The appreciation plaques for Bentley’s, Dollar general, Waterboro eagles club, Leviathan tattoo and Venom ink.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

January 19th, 2020
2 members in attendance.
Balance of Checking $950.69

Not enough members to hold an official meeting.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

December 15th, 2019
5 members in attendance.
Balance of Checking $950.69

Not enough members to hold an official meeting.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

November 17th, 2019
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $1500.69

Starting this coming summer York County UBM will be hosting a weekly Meet and Greet, so member can get to know each other and to plan weekly rides. Robin of Santa Cause attended this month’s meeting to accept the check from the York County Toy Run. Also talks about hosting a fund raiser to help the Stone Soup Kitchen in Biddeford.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

October 20th, 2019
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $1500.69

Starting this coming summer York County UBM will be hosting a weekly Meet and Greet, so member can get to know each other and to plan weekly rides. Robin of Santa Cause attended this month’s meeting to accept the check from the York County Toy Run. Also talks about hosting a fund raiser to help the Stone Soup Kitchen in Biddeford.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

September 15th, 2019
3 members in attendance.

Not enough members attended the meeting to hold a meeting.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

August 25th, 2019
6 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $698.69

Voted on the amount to give to Santa Cause from the York County Toy Run. We will be donating $500 to Santa Cause in the next few weeks. York County held the voting for county and state level. Peter Welch is no longer the Secretary and  is now the County Director, he will still be carrying on the duty’s of Secretary until someone else can take over. Debbie Burrell stepped down as Treasurer, Bob Stupelis stepped down from County Directory to take on the role of Treasurer. Mara Stupelis stepped down from Assistant County Directory to take on the role of Area Rep. There is a few positions still left open like Assistant County Directory and Secretary.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

May 19th, 2019


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

April 21st, 2019

Meeting was postponed till next month


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

March 17th, 2019


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

February 17th, 2019
8 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Debbie
Balance of Checking $1353.99

The York County Toy Run start, stops and route was decided on so the poster can be made by Cathy Butts. There was discussion on where to get the shirts made stay with current company or new company’s info on the cost will be taken into consideration in the next months meeting. Membership drives were brought up and when, where and who can man the tables.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

January 20th, 2019

The Meeting was not held, rescheduled till February meeting


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

December 16th, 2018
7 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Debbie
Balance of Checking $1388.99

The beginning stages of planning this coming years York County Toy Run. Where to start the ride from, the route and where to the stop along the way to Bentley’s Saloon.  We would like to welcome Brad Burrell as our Area Rep. Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

November 18th, 2018
7 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $1738.99

We would like to Thank all of you whom helped in the York County Toy Run this year. Another great success. We would like to welcome Debbie Burrell as our county Treasurer. Voted on the amount of $400 and two $25 gift cards to come out of the money raised on the York County Toy Run to Santa Cause. Voted on next years date of the York County Toy Run to be July 20th.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

October  21st, 2018

Meeting was postponed till next month


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

May 20th, 2018
6 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $821.99

Looking for volunteers for the table and tree setup at Bentley’s. Coffee and donuts will be available at the Strike and Spare, this year we will have a registration and waiver form. Still need door prizes, contact Bob if you have anything you can donate.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

April 22nd, 2018
13 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $821.99

The Christmas in July Toy Run of 2018 posters have been finalized. Members have volunteered to get donations for door prize give away. Talk about where to have membership drives and when. Took inventory of the counties shirts and other merchandise to know what needs to be ordered to have enough stock for resale.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

March 4th, 2018
7 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $1140.00

The route for the Christmas in July Ride was decided on, and added a cost of $5 per person attending the ride. Wavers will need to be filled out also. We will be setting even more membership drives to help get the numbers back up. Next meeting we will be doing inventory on the current merchandise so we know what needs to be ordered for the upcoming events.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

January 21st, 2018
3 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Checking $1185.00

Today’s meeting was that start of getting things ready for the Christmas in July Toy Run of 2018. We had an open discussion about starting at Strike & Spare Bowling Alley stopping at Fraternal Order of Eagles in Waterboro and finishing at Bentley’s. We voted on using registration forms for this years Christmas in July Toy Run of 2018, and future runs. Santa’s Cause sent us a Thank You letter for our donation, will add link to the letter soon.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

December 17th, 2017
10 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Savings $ 348.52
Balance of Checking $1536

We raised $1,176 on our Christmas in July Toy Run and voted on the amount of $750 to give to Santa Cause. It was brought to a vote to move the banking account from Bangor Savings Bank to Kennebunk Savings Bank. We had four members of the eboard attend our meeting.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

Sept 17th, 2017
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Savings $348.54
Balance of Checking $13.98

Bob read an email he got from Sandy clearing up how the accident on the toy run happened, here is a link to the state police report. Discussion on how much was raised for our Christmas in July run and how much will be donated to Santa’s Cause. Voting for the local officer and state officers was done so it can be pasted in at next eboard meeting.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

May 21st, 2017
4 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Peter
Balance of Savings $348.45
Balance of Checking $289.59

Discussed on where to have boxes for a toy drop off, Maria volunteered to decorate them and drop them off at Bentley’s Saloon, Eagles Club in Somersworth and Trains Tavern. A Go Fund me page is going to be setup by Lisa for the people who want to donate but can’t make the event. Each Area Rep were asked to plan a Membership drive during the upcoming summer months. The next two meeting were voted on to have a location and time change for the next two months. Next Months meeting will be at Strike n Spare, the following month at Train’s Tavern.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

April 30th, 2017
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Savings $348.45
Balance of Checking $289.59

Went over route for Christmas in July Toy Run. Discussion on where to place Christmas in July Toy Run Drop boxes, will be finalized next meeting. Looking for volunteers to help setup at Bentley’s for the Toy Run. E-Board meeting minutes were read and discussed. Membership drives locations and times were discussed.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

Feb 20th, 2017
0 members in attendance.

Meeting was canceled due to weather.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

Jan 15th, 2017
6 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Savings $349.36
Balance of Checking $592.82

Made final decisions on the York County Christmas in July Toy Run to be held on the 15th of July. Posters will be sent out during our February meeting. A few minor changes to last year successful run were made and at end of event we will be having a BBQ at one of the camp sites at Bentley’s Saloon. The BBQ is to show appreciation of the volunteers and members.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

Nov 20th, 2016
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Savings $941.08
Balance of Checking $33.77

Voted on and approved on the amount of $500 to be donated to Santa’s Cause. Brain stormed on how to make the York County United Bikers of Maine a closer family. Which the discussion came up with many great ideas, going to have more events that show we appreciate our members.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

Sept 18th, 2016
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana
Balance of Savings $-127.70
Balance of Checking $348.27

A ten dollar mistake in the check registry created a $-127 balance in the account, Bob said it was his bad and he would cover the bounce fees so the county would not have to accrue them. Our local toy run brought in $627 and many toys; $247 in product sold, $140 in memberships. We voted on the dollar amount of $500 to be given to Santa’s Cause. There was discussion about how to get more member to attend events. Which was agreed to bring back the Members Appreciation Day, which will be held at Bob Stupelis’s home. All UBM Members are welcome to attend the Social gathering more info to come in the next few days.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

June 12th, 2016
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana
Balance of Savings $348.20
Balance of Checking $695.73

Confirmed the ads that were placed in local papers for the York County Toy Run coming up on July 16th. Toy drop off points will be available at Trains Tavern Route 202, Lebanon, ME and Strike & Spare Bowling Alley, Route 25, Parsonfield, ME. Santa’s Cause will be setting up tree at Bentley’s.volunteers will be needed to help set up UBM table at Bentley’s contact Bob Stupelis if your interested. Voted on a flag holder and staff so our new York county flag can be displayed with pride.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

May 22nd, 2016
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana
Balance of Savings $348.17
Balance of Checking $503.73

If you have not received a poster you can download a PDF of it in the events section. Get the word out about the Christmas in July Toy Run. Members are going to inquire about advertising the Christmas in July Toy Run  on WHEB, in the Courier, and shopper Guide. The will be a box to drop off toys at the Strike & Spare for the Christmas in July Toy Run. We will be asking Trains Tavern if they are willing to do the same. The Flags are in and we had discussion on getting a flag pole mount on the directors bike. We voted to move next months meeting from Thursday June 9th 6:30 PM to June 12th 1:00 pm at Trains Tavern  249 Carl Broggi Hwy Lebanon, ME 04027


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

Mar 18th, 2016
7 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana
Balance of Savings $ 348.13
Balance of Checking $ 913.48

Cathey is working on the Christmas in July Toy Run poster. The deposit for the digital artwork for the 3’x5′ County flag and 12″x18″ county flags have been sent. Looking for volunteers for the Christmas in July Toy Run contact your local rep to let us know your interested in helping


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

Jan 18th, 2016
5 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Savings $ 988.48
Balance of Checking $ 348.08

This Years Christmas in July Toy Run will start at Strike and Spare one stop at Trains along the way before ending up at Bentley’s. We voted in Cathey Butts to create the posters for York Counties UBM events. Next meet will be up for vote on a county flag and smaller flags for on bikes for event runs.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

Sept 20th, 2015
10 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana
Balance of Savings $ 1809.15
Balance of Checking $ 347.99

There was a small turn out for voting for eboard officers and local this meeting, For local there was no change. For eboard will find out after next eboard meeting this Wednesday.  We voted in to donate $500 to Santa Cause from the proceeds of the Christmas in July Toy Run. Open discussion was mostly centered around how to get other members to attend the meeting and events that are held. The purchase of a  County flag was tabled till next meeting.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
May 21st, 2015
7 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana
Balance of Savings $ 347.89
Balance of Checking $ 892.86

It’s that season where you can ride your bike to the meetings and 3 members attend rode in. The check for Chaps Saloon for hosting the spring Fever Party will be delivered this week. Roland will be asked to do the Christmas in July Toy Run. The Nomination sheet was passed around for UMB officers on E-board and local counties. We voted on the amount of $300 to be donated to YCCA from the proceeds of the Spring Fever Party. Also there was some talk about replacing the County UBM 3’x5′ flag, and maybe some smaller ones. At the next meeting there will be more discussion and a vote of what will be done. Also Membership drives were discussed on where and when to have them..


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Mar 15th, 2015
9 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana
Balance of Savings $ 347.85
Balance of Checking $ 524.86

Still looking for donations for the Spring Fever Party on March 21st. Members signed up for jobs during the Spring Fever Party. There is a E-board meeting on the 25th of March all UMB member can attend. Voted on getting the poster designed for the Xmas in July Toy Run. There was a discussion about UBM members going out and supporting the other local Groups like H.O.G Chapter, Patriot Riders, Rolling Thunder, etc.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Feb 22nd, 2015
6 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana
Balance of Savings $ 347.83
Balance of Checking $ 567.14

There is going to be a safety and education expo at the Armory in Augusta May 30th from 8am. till 6pm. Vendor space and the public are invited for free, so if you would like space at the event, contact Katie at . Dana Gould had an idea to receive a UBM patch with a new membership as do other organizations and clubs, possibly to be brought to the executive board for discussion. Dana is still working out a plan with the county directors for a planned Iron Butt Ride through each county in the state. A donation amount to Chaps Saloon for hosting our Spring Fever Party will be an agenda item to be voted on at our March meeting. We are still distributing our plaques of appreciation one by one and hopefully will be finished soon. Thanks all for attending our county meetings and hope to see more of you soon.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Oct 19th, 2014

The money taken in from the Christmas in July Toy Run , was voted on how much to give $350 too each York County Shelter and Caring Unlimited. The dates have been secured  next year ate Bentley’s and Chaps for next years Christmas in July Toy Run. A name change was voted in for the Frostbite Fever Fundraiser, to Spring Fever Fundraiser due to the time of year we were able to have the event. The Spring Fever will be held at Chaps Saloon on March 21st. In the next week there will be an email to let the members know when and where to meet for the Appreciation Ride in two weeks, depending on if the plaques arrive in time for the tentative ride on the weekend of the 4th.  All board members were urged to attend the E-Board meeting this Wednesday 24th in Augusta.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Sept 21st, 2014
9 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of Savings $347.71
Balance of Checking $1590.49

 The money taken in from the Christmas in July Toy Run , was voted on ho much to give $350 too each York County Shelter and Caring Unlimited. The dates have been secured  next year ate Bentley’s and Chaps for next years Christmas in July Toy Run. A name change was voted in for the Frostbite Fever Fundraiser, to Spring Fever Fundraiser due to the time of year we were able to have the event. The Spring Fever will be held at Chaps Saloon on March 21st. In the next week there will be an email to let the members know when and where to meet for the Appreciation Ride in two weeks, depending on if the plaques arrive in time for the tentative ride on the weekend of the 4th.  All board members were urged to attend the E-Board meeting this Wednesday 24th in Augusta.



York County UBM Meeting Minutes
July 10th, 2014
7 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana
Balance of Savings $347.66
Balance of Checking $488.49

Wrapped up details for the Christmas in July Toy Run. New venues for the Rodeo were brought up Limerick Airport, or Cornish Fairgrounds, most liked place would be Reynolds Motorsports. Waiting on info for the insurance from E-board to give to Reynolds so they can give us an answer about using their field for the rodeo. Anita LaRose was voted in as an Area Rep.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
June 12th, 2014
6 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana
Balance of Savings $347.64
Balance of Checking $538.49

A few of the York County United Bikers of Maine members rode over to Y.C.C.A. to present the money we raised for them. Looking for Door Prizes for the Christmas in July Toy Run, Contacted Reynolds Motorsports to discuss rodeo.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
May 18th, 2014
10 members in attendance
5 were on motorcycles.
Treasurer report read by Bob Stupelis
Balance of savings $347.61
Balance of Checking $1038.49

The E-board is looking for ideas for a tee-shirt and possible an event for UBM’s 40th Anniversary.  If you have any ideas  send Bob Stupelis an email or good in drawing, summit  a design for the tee-shirt. Still looking for a venue for our rodeo event we plan to have a few times this summer, One possible place is at Reynolds Motor Sports. If you have an location send email so we can add more locations to the list.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes

April 27th, 2014
9 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana Gould
Balance of savings $347.59
Balance of Checking $1038.49

It was voted to begin our Christmas in July Toy Run at Chaps Saloon and end our ride at Bentley’s Saloon and also voted to have RO Tv to do our poster for the event as in the past. It was voted to continue donating the toys and money to York County Shelter and Caring Unlimited. We are still looking for a rodeo venue. Dana Gould our county treasurer proposed an Iron Butt ride including all counties in Maine at E- Board and was voted to have the county directors bring it back to there county to see if anyone is interested in being on the planning committee for a 2015 event. A purchase of more UBM products was decided to be purchaced for our upcoming membership drives and fundraisers. It was voted and passed to donate $500.00 to York County Community Action from our Frostbite Fever Party. UBM will be having it’s 40th. anniversary soon and counties were asked to come up with ideas for a possible event or commemorative item and we came up with a few ideas.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Mar 16th, 2014
10 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana Gould
Balance of savings $347.57
Balance of Checking $1083.49

Frostbite Fever was a great success, Total from event was $932, from that amount $134 was from Product sales, $45 was from membership signups. Also expenses to plan and to put on Frostbite Fever came to $146.15. We voted on donating $500 of the proceeds to York County Community Action, and $106.85 went into our Checking account for future fund raising events. A committee was formed to help Ray Nichols out to help plan the rodeo events we want to hold this summer. Rick Zuschlag has asked to no longer be an Area Rep, his resignation was accepted .


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Feb 16th, 2014
9 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Dana Gould
Balance of savings $497.54
Balance of Checking $775.51

Ray Nichols  updated us on the rodeo events. Bob updated us on the progress of the T-shirts we ordered, so we would have product to sell during the Frostbite Fever Party. Talked about who was going to bring Pot luck meal to the Frostbite Fever Party. Make sure you share this event on Facebook we only have 12 days left. Dana Gould gave us an update on the Iron Butt Ride he is planning to get possibly get started in the summer of 2015.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Jan 19th, 2014
10 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of savings $497.51
Balance of Checking $775.51

Ray Nichols  was voted in as area rep. Mark Morin was voted out as Treasurer. Dana Gould was voted in as Treasurer. We voted on an amount of shirts to buy to have for the upcoming Frostbite Fever Party. We voted to change the venue from Iron tails Saloon to Chaps Saloon in Buxton. Still looking for donations for the Frostbite Fever Party. There was talk about the upcoming Rodeo Event this summer being hosted York County UBM.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Sept 15th, 2013
8 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of savings $1296.74
Balance of Checking $497.37

It was voted on to have a Ride this fall to show our Appreciation to the businesses that supported us. So on Oct 6th with a rain date of Oct 13, York County UBM will be hosting a Mystery Appreciation Ride $5 per person. Also we voted on supporting Your County Shelter with their Found raiser dance to give our Thanksgiving food baskets. We also got the ball rolling about the Frostbite Fever Party, it will be on March 1st at Iron Tails Saloon. More info will to follow in the coming weeks for all the upcoming events.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
 Aug 15th, 2013
7 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of savings $1296.74
Balance of Checking $497.34

Informed the members about which shift they got for volunteering for Statewide Security or Gate duty. Voted on the amount of money to be distributed to York County Shelter and Caring Unlimited raised from the York County Christmas in July Toy Run. The amount of $250 with be given to each group. Ballets were passed out to vote for the Counties officers and eBoard.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
 July 11th, 2013
11 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of savings $497.30
Balance of Checking $446.74

Finalized the details of the Christmas in July Toy Run, was brought up about volunteering at Statewide for either Gate or Security., The Nomination paper was filled out for county and e-board elections. Some discussion was brought up about the questionnaire Leo Manard put together about membership of UBM. For now no change on where we get our T-shirts.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
May 19th, 2013
9 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Mark
Balance of savings $497.24
Balance of Checking $528.74

 It’s that time of year for us members who attend Statewide to volunteer for Security Duty or Gate Duty, the shifts are 4 hours blocks starting at Thursday till Sunday.  Send email to,  on the hours you would like and days, and we will try to get you the shift or shifts you would like. Our next Membership drive will be this Sunday At Bentley’s Saloon, 1601 Portland Road, Arundel, Maine. During the Ride In Bike  Show.  At the meeting we hashed out some ideas and details on The X-mas in July Toy Run. This year it looks like it will only have one starting point and ending at Iron Tails, 559 Route 109, Acton, Maine. Bob will be applying for the Wal-Mart foundation/ Local Giving grant.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
April 21st, 2013
16 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
Balance of savings $497.21
Balance of Checking $526.84

Twelve members rode their bikes to the meeting, UBM is having a membership drive where the top State person to sign up new members will get $250 and $250 to his or her county, $100 to the runner up. We voted in a incentive program for York County who signs up the most members between April 1st till Statewide, the top signing person will get a custom Tee shirt and $50. Since mark was not able to attend today’s meeting we tabled the topic of the UBM Silk Screen Tee Shirts till next meeting. We voted in three new Area Reps Dana Gould, Sam Johnston, Rick Zuschlag.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Mar 17th, 2013
11 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Mark
Balance of savings $497.17
Balance of Checking $526.84

The Frostbite Fever Party raised $1056 between product sales and donations, We voted to donate $500 total to The House of Hope. Mara will be delivering the check and couple boxes of food donations. We also voted to send out Thank you card to all who donated to the Frostbite Fever Party, Mara Zuschlag volunteered to make up and send out the cards. One of the topics was which Tee Shirt place to have the York County UBM silk screened Shirts made at. We discovered we needed more info and tabled it to the next meeting. Also voted to pay for another Two Years of Domain for the York County Website.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Feb 17th, 2013
9 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Bob
No Change to Accounts

Finalized the details of the Frostbite Fever Party, we voted on getting more T-shirts and Rockers to be sold at the party. It was mentioned that we need more Area Reps and if anyone was interested they should attend the next few meetings.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Jan 20th, 2013
12 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Butch
No Change to Accounts

One member rode his bike to the meeting on the warm January day. We had two new faces at the meeting. The meeting started out with bad news of the Buxton Tavern closing. On that note the venue of the Frostbite Fever Party was moved to Iron Tails Saloon inActon, same date still, March 2nd. There were some donated door prize items and are still in need of more. Posters should be ready in about a week to be posted at local businesses, also will be emailing to the members. Mark Morin was voted in as Area Rep and Treasurer. There was some talk about an event leaving and ending at the Eagles Club this summer. Thank you all for attending and hope to see more of you at our future meetings.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Dec 16th, 2012
9 members in attendance.

Welcome everyone; No one braved the elements to ride their bike to the meeting. No Change to the treasury report. The Family we donated the money to so they can get Christmas presents for the little ones sent in a Thank you note. The Frost Bite Fever will be held on March 2nd, 2012 at the Buxton Tavern. We talked about if we should get a live band or DJ. A few members had contacts of live bands and were going to ask if they would play the event. The money that is raised from the Frost Bite Fever will be donated to a food pantry, or homeless shelter. Also talk about food to be offered, with some raffle items, also a 50/50. At the next meeting all the final decision will be voted on for the Frost Bite Fever. Dana Gould is looking for someone to help him to temp fill in as the Secretary on the E-board. Mara Zuschlag was voted in as Assistant County Director. A discussion about the traffic to the York County Website was brought up and that it has increased from last year. It was thrown out about maybe having one meeting place for The York County Toy Run, to be brought up in deeper discussion. Our next meeting will be January 20th 2013 at 1pm at the Waterboro’s Eagles Club and Merry Christmas and Happy holidays from all of us.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Nov 18th, 2012
13 members in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Peter
Balance of savings $347.07
Deposit from UBM Statewide $100.00
Balance of Checking $794.28
$100.00 to York County Food Pantry still to be given
$100.00 to Food Pantry in Lebanon still to be given
Total $942.35

 Welcome everyone; Three people braved the elements to ride their bike to the meeting, everyone else whimped out (chilly cool weather to say the least).We had a good crowd of people and covered quite a bit of ground. Members voted to have our yearly Frostbite Fever Party at Buxton Tavern with March 2nd or 9th as prospective dates. The date and particulars will be ironed out by our next meeting on the 16th of Dec. at 1pm. at the Eagles club in Waterboro. Our meetings were voted to continue throughout the winter which will be the 3rd Sunday of every month at 1pm. unless noted otherwise. We donated our counties portion of Statewide Toy Run money ($119.66) to grandparents who have custody of their needy grandchildren due to family matters to buy them toys for Christmas. We hope they enjoy! The Annual York County Christmas in July Toy Run will be held on the 20th of July 2013 with work in progress thru the winter planning the ride. We received an updated list of members and found that there were quite a few e-mails coming back to us, either from typo errors or changed addresses. Any members who would like to contact our secretary Peter Welch to update any addresses, e-mails or phone #s you may have, Send updated info to the Secretary or call Bob Stupelis at 207-286-4631. We would like to keep you all updated. Please check to see if your membership has expired and if it has, you can contact any one of the officers to renew. We also welcome new members as well, so if you know anyone who would like to join, let us know. Let’s hope for another good day or two to ride. We don’t want to park the Iron Horse yet do we!!! Thank You all for attending the meeting and hope to see more of you in the future. Happy Thanksgiving!!


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
Oct 28th, 2012
17 were in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Butch
Balance of savings 346.92
Balance of Checking 494.40
Total 841.32

Welcome; there were approximately 17 people in attendance with Darrell Spears U.B.M.’s President sitting in as well. Motions were made to elect a Secretary andCountyDirector. Bob Stupelis was elected the new county director and Peter Welch as Secretary. Our County Chaplin Mike Landry is welcomed as a new County Area Rep. The Assistant County Director is vacant now. It was voted to continue our annual Christmas in July Toy Run and plan a winter fundraiser. A meeting with area reps for the winter fundraiser will follow in next few weeks. Meeting times were discussed and it was voted to hold meetings every month. The time that meetings will start will be voted on at the next meeting after further discussion. Darrell Spears Spoke about our Statewide Party and a committee has been formed to discuss changes in next year’s event. Stay tuned to your quarterly newsletter for updates. A donation of $100.00 will be made to York County Shelter from last years Frostbite Fever Party. Thanks to all for attendance at the meeting.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2012
11 in attendance
Treasurers report everything the same as last months.

Meeting was opened up by Butch welcoming a couple new faces and one new member.
Discussion was on the Christmas in July ride on the 22. The meeting places were discussed. Caring unlimited role was discussed.
August meeting is the 11 at Butch’s house with a BBQ. September 9th is the states toy run. And that’s all.


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
June 14th 2012
6 in attendance
Treasurer report read by Butch

Not much difference from last months meeting. $860.00 in account. Secretary report from last month was handed out. For the toy run the shelter and caring unlimited will be decorating so everyone can ride in the run. Bruce said that every Tuesday night is Bike night at Famous Dave’s. In Sept Keith and Debby are putting on a mystery run Sept 15 leaving Iron Tails and going back to Iron tails. Money collected for it will be donated to the shelter.
August meeting will either be at Butch’s house or Bob’s for a cookout. The end of August Butch will be stepping down from County Director and Debby will be stepping down as Secretary. So anyone wanting to step up and fill a few positions please do. Next meeting at the legion in Waterboro Thursday 6:30pm


York County UBM Meeting Minutes
May 20th, 2012
8 were in attendance.
Treasurer report read by Butch
Balance of savings 346.89
Balance of Checking 524.28
Total 871.17
No outstanding checks

We had Anita and Pattie from York county shelter to explain to us what they do with the money with we donate and also what they do for people. Pattie works at the Shelter in Alfred and she mostly works with individuals who are down on their luck. She sends the independent families once there are openings to Anita in Sanford. Their Anita and others work with the families providing Nutrition and support groups and help with housing also helps them transition into the communities. Anita has two houses which she shares with at least 11 families. Last year she used the toy run money to do 12 days of Christmas theme for the families. Where they can learn about different cultures each day. The money also is used to buy gifts for the children and the adults. There was so much more Anita and Pattie discussed. Would have been nice if more people attended the meeting.

Peter put on a pancake breakfast and made 96.00 which were added to our account. Peter said that Applebee’s will now be offering bacon sausages and eggs at the breakfast. This is for a minimum of 200.00. Butch is going to look into the Sanford Applebee’s to find out more. Bob’s party made 86 which we added extra to make it a 100.00 to be donated to the shelter. Our next event is Christmas in July 21 rain date 22 at Iron Tails Saloon in Acton Maine. See the poster that is on the website for details. Our next meeting will be at the Eagles in Waterboro 2nd Thursday in June and July at 6:30.


Meeting minutes for April 15th 2012

10 members in attendance. 2 member renewal.

Those renewals will be sent to Jim Reis. Discussion on the X-mas in July Toy Run start points were decided to be at Skips Lounge and Rochester Harley Davidson and ending at Iron Tails in Acton, with route details to probably follow at next months meeting. We are still planning on inviting York County Shelter and Caring Unlimited to our May meeting for event coordination at the toy run in July. Skips Lounge was voted to be next months meeting place same time same bike channel. We sold tickets and collected money for the Applebee’s pancake breakfast on May 6th. Further discussion will be needed on the events that we will be covering and setting up our table, for the purpose of increasing memberships and who will be able to work the table on these days. We would like to thank all members who attend our meetings and would love to see more of you at future ones, your input is important to all of us as (WE WHO RIDE SHOULD DECIDE!!!)  May everyone enjoy your Iron Horse and don’t forget, ride safe and shiny side up!!! From Bob Asst county director.


Meeting minutes for March 18th 2012

8 members in attendance. 1 member renewal.

Discussion on meeting time and place for April was decided to be at Skips Lounge @ 1:00 pm due to the response of the 3:00 pm meeting today. Members felt earlier was better. It was noted that we will give an invitation to Caring Unlimited and York County Shelter to attend our April meeting to discuss the coordination in regard to some help in set up and implementation of this years Christmas in July fundraiser at Iron Tails. There was also discussion about the possibility of changing meeting spots on a monthly basis during summer months with a mystery ride at end of meeting/ post and e-mailing as much in advance as possible/ meeting areas possibly planed out at next months meeting. The thought behind this is to possibly draw more interest and participation from members etc. Talked about having more information and updating of website a little more often. Mention was also made regarding our membership drive this year by setting up our booth at upcoming events with more participation from area reps and members. More discussion required planning attendance dates at these events. All agreed that we need the exposure in order to increase our membership. Note; Pine Tree Riders took our 1 pm slot today for their meeting but still had no beverages. Everyone was very excited with the awesome riding weather we are having, I think we were all just happy to ride today!!!!.


Meeting minutes for February 19th 2012
11 were in attendance, thank you all for coming.

Treasurer report as of 1/31/12
Savings = 346.82
Checking = 331.28
Expenses = Trees and Rockers $78.00
Gas for December state meeting $30.03

Butch welcomed everyone back. Bruce opened up discussion with an idea for having a ride and maybe charging $ 5.00 per person then donating the proceeds to the York County Shelter. He also brought up that Buxton Tavern is having their liquor license renewed so someone ought to make sure a couple weeks before the Frost Bite party that it is ok to still have it there. Butch said he will talk to Bob about it as it is his function. Butch also said if anyone would like to bring a dish or dessert it would be greatly appreciate.

July 21 and rain date of July 22 is the Christmas in July toy run at Iron tails in Acton. Butch would like to have one starting spot still to be at Rochester Harley in NH. Maybe at Skips Buxton tavern for the other spot.

Bruce let us all know that Big moose is planning on a bbq once a month this year. Phil said April 29th Patriot riders York to Bentleys. Also June 23 will be riding out of Iron Tails. June 30th Sheila’s ride at Iron Tails.

Discussion was held about Motorcycle Registration and Inspection Sticker changes. Butch handed paper that Eric from MMPAC gave out at State meeting.

Everyone please keep eyes and ears open to places to set up membership tables and let one of the area reps or Butch know. Butch would like to get membership up to 300 or more members.

Peter is checking on a pancake breakfast out of the Biddeford Applebee’s for May. Butch mentioned about someone volunteering to stand out in front the Sanford Applebee’s some afternoon or nite to hand out the tickets for some of the money to go to our account.

Well that’s it for the Secretary report.

Debby Russell

York County UBM Secretary


York County UBM Meeting Mins
October 16, 2011
9 in attendance

Secretary report read.

Treasurer report read by Butch for Bobbie, Savings account – T-shirt fund- $311.70
Deposit on 9/26 $ 30.00, Interest 00.03, Checking $211.03, Deposit 9/26 $454.00.
Total $665.03
Check # 180 outstanding York County food pantry.
Donation from Bentley Christmas in July $100.00.
UBM memberships $ 115.00, Total from both savings and checking $791.76.

Bob is thinking of having a cabin fever fundraiser, a dinner dance in the end of January beginning of February. Like maybe a spaghetti dinner, like maybe at the eagles in Waterboro. Butch mentioned a potluck. Bruce said if we could get people to commit to helping with the sauce and spaghetti making also garlic bread would help a lot. Bruce mentioned having it at skips or Iron tails so we could get more perspective members. Only problem at iron tails is they serve food so wouldn’t be a good idea to have it there. An idea of a potluck was thrown around.  Also should it be a fundraiser for us or another organization like the food pantry? Names for it were tossed around also, Frost bite boogie, spring fling.

Bruce brought up the question about stickers, are they running out for everyone in the spring of 2012? Bob said he doesn’t think it will take full effect until 2013.

The Halloween party was brought up by Butch members $5, nonmembers $10, But if bought in advance will be $5 for everyone. If a non-member signs up it is free. There will be a 50/50. The Bus at Iron Tails is already taken, most of the local motels and hotels are taken up by NH members already.

Need everyone to let us know about any events upcoming.

There are no meetings in Dec and Jan; any question come up can also call Butch or one of the area reps.

Questions was asked if the events like Christmas in July need to be all set up way in advance? Butch said usually we try to do it as far as in advanced as we can so doesn’t conflict with any other ones.

At our Nov meeting we will be having a vote about changing the ending place for the Christmas in July to Iron tails. Always good to have a lot of members input on this. Also Butch brought up having Augusts BBQ meeting at Bobs this summer.

Well it was a good meeting with lots of input would still like to see more members participate.


York County UBM Meeting
September 18 2011,
Seven in attendance
Butch read the treasurers report 211.03 in checking plus the 225.00 from statewide. Savings has 311.70.

Bentleys did a fundraiser with arm bands and made 100.00 which is going to the York County shelter food pantry.

At Haddock Jack Run sold 1 t-shirt and received a few memberships.

Greg from Iron tails in Acton would like to have a Halloween party with us and also with NHMRO  he’s looking at the 29th but not positive yet. He wants to split money with both Maine and NH. Butch is going to talk with Candy from NH.

Peter said that Senator Snowe was at the toy run and said she wants to keep the helmet law the same.

Oct 15 4:30 to 6pm Rolling Thunder is having a dinner at the VFW in Sanford.

Voting was held for the Officers positions. Results are Darrell for President 8 votes, Lori Tierney for secretary 7 votes, and Rose for treasurer 0, Brenda for treasurer 8 votes. Then for our County Director Butch 8 ,Assistant County Director Bob, Secretary Debby 7, Treasurer Bobbie Ann 3.

Greg Martinez from Iron Tails was made an Area Rep so he can now sign up new members from Iron Tails.

Bob would like to put on at least one fundraiser this winter with combining other counties in it also.